英譯本《縫熊志》(Christina Sanderson譯,香港中文大學出版社)出版。

Christina Sanderson的新譯本屬於香港中文大學出版社於2020年推出的一系列香港文學作品。我們可於此網站找到她的《縫熊志》英譯本的節錄。

From the “Preface”:

“The delightful pieces in The Teddy Bear Chronicles belong to a long and venerable tradition in Chinese literature, of quirky memoirs and casual personal essays, sometimes lyrical, sometimes telling a story. These miniatures might record a distant memory, a fleeting dream, or some recent experience. They were often written around a theme that had exercised a particular fascination (sometimes an obsession) on their author: strange creatures, eccentric habits, unusual pastimes. This type of thing we call in Chinese the informal literature of ‘jottings’ (biji wenxue). . . . the biji essay creates around itself a leisurely world of its own. It projects a view of the world in which things (sometimes the tiniest things) are brought into sharp but effortless focus. . . . Xi Xi’s bear-essays are a suburb and modern re-incarnation of this form.”

John Minford. “Preface” to The Teddy Bear Chronicles, translated by Christina Sanderson (CUHK Press, 2020), p. xiv-xv.


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