- 著作外譯
- 2020年8月
對《我城》的最初認識,大概是「城籍」,還有火車卡門上的「有」字牌。這次《我城》成為「我城我書」的年度選書,忽然多了個重讀《我城》的理由,我才看見先前沒有留意的部分,尤其是《我城》中的憂鬱。我在想,如果《我城》有續篇,西西又會如何書寫2020年的香港? 但我知道,西西是不會希望我們都變成「『勿』快樂」的。正如《我城》中的母親所言:「看日出,就像是尋找一個希望」。於是,我嘗試搜尋《我城》裡的「希望」。我發現,《我城》裡的「希望」都與「種植」和「建造」有關。一如囚友種樹、青年們在郊外種植電話柱,還有阿髮發現玻璃花園…… 所以,我希望,這些「希望」能像木馬道一號那座被包裹的鋼琴一樣,再抬出來的時候,能發聲,能再次被聽見。 陳燕怡 香港教育大學文學及文化學系博士資格候選人
Collier Nogues comments on ‘My City’
"My favorite thing about My City is how deeply it cultivates a sense of Hong Kongers all being in it together. Take Liberty, who seems in Chapter 2 to be a child still herself,...
Christopher Mattison comments on ‘My City’
The art historian Jonathan Hay writes about the “Suspension of Dynastic Time” in relation to artists and scholars who found themselves caught between the bian 變 (‘transformation’) from the Ming to the Qing dynasty....
Hawk Chang comments on ‘My City’
"In my reading of Xi Xi's works, I am particularly impressed with her double identity as a narrator. On the one hand, we perceive an objective speaker who is skillfully detached from the story....
Lucinda News comments on ‘My City’
“Xi Xi’s writing is both child-like and highly challenging. In My City, you are shown Hong Kong as if refracted through a prism. The city is there, but you never see it head on....