Collier Nogues comments on ‘My City’


“My favorite thing about My City is how deeply it cultivates a sense of Hong Kongers all being in it together. Take Liberty, who seems in Chapter 2 to be a child still herself, and not a rich one, but whose kindness, whose Hong-Kong-ness, nevertheless manifests through her care for other people–she buys a raffle ticket from the tired boy under the stairs, and buys washing powder from the “dispirited” door-to-door salesgirls. It’s impossible not to like her, with her apple crate full of “0-point objects” and her politeness to the mahjong players. It’s impossible not to like the mahjong players, or the dispirited salesgirls, or the tired boy, as they all are drawn together by Xi Xi’x care for them in the story.”

Collier Nogues
Author of On the Other Side, Blue and The Ground I Stand on is Not My Ground.

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